Monday, November 26, 2007

The Holiday Season is Officially Started!

The Holidays are officially kicked-off in Kansas City. Thanksgiving is over, the Plaza Lights are shining bright. The Mayor’s Christmas Tree is sparkling and Zona Rosa is all a twinkle with those beautiful crowns that use to call downtown Kansas City home.

But is it time to buy home in Kansas City? Of course it is! There are many amazing homes on the market at utterly amazing prices, now is the time. If you’ve even remotely considered buying a home in the last 6 months NOW is the time to do it, you’d be shocked at what you can get for your $$$!

If you’d like some assistance looking in the North Kansas City area I’d be more than glad to assist you!

Please feel free to call my cell 816-682-3897 or email me at

Friday, March 30, 2007

Can you SEE ME Now?

I came across a great project that is just it it's beginnings here in Kansas City!
In honor of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the American Institute of Architects they have started a program called Blueprint of America. It's a nationwide, grassroots community service program that will empower each cities residents to participate in developing new visions for their community's design priorities.
So where does Kansas City come in? Well if you live here you know that our town is made up of sprawling urban and suburban as well as exurban and transurban areas, no different than many other cities. The Kansas City portion of this nationwide program is being dubbed "The Kansas City SNAPSHOT" and will engage the diverse people and places that inhabit the Johnson Drive / Van Brunt corridor.
I don't want to take away any excitement from their project, so please take a moment to visit the website they are developing for this project Kansas City SNAPSHOT at

It's interesting and perhaps it will help all of us in Kansas City to see each other again.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Why You Should Take Care of Your Credit like a Family Heirloom

Insurance Companies Want to SEE Your Credit Score
I previously wrote about how you should get your homeowners insurance during the inspection period when you are buying a home.
Now I SEE more than ever the importance of that when buying a home in Kansas City, Missouri.
At sales meeting this morning we were discussing how more and more insurance companies are using individuals credit scores to determine their insurability and their premium rates.
We all know it's important to pay our bills on time to keep our credit as healthy as possible, and now it's even more vital!
Insurance companies are lining up to look at your credit score to decide if they want to insure you and if they do what the likelihood is that you will have a claim.
Do I feel this is right? Well, not really, but they are doing it.
Again let me stress the importance of getting your insurance during the initial inspection period after you sign a contract. If a problem arises around homeowners insurance you will know at the front end of the deal rather than wait till it's time to close and it becomes a major problem.
I believe that everyone deserves to own their own home and with all the mortgage possibilities out there it is possible. A word to the wise: protect your credit because it may affect the premium you will pay for homeowners insurance.